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My Stats

  • Country: Venezuela
  • SuperPoints: 262480
  • Last Game Played: Gizmo Matches

sebastiangabriel's Activity


Favorite Verse

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9

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  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Mystery

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Mystery

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 150 Points

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 150 Points

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 100 Points

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 100 Points

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 50 Points

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 50 Points

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 75 Points

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 75 Points

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 20 Points

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Scored 20 Points

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Airball

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Airball

  • Played 5 Games

    Played 5 Games

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Played 100 Times

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Played 100 Times

  • Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Played 10 Times

    Gizmo's 3-Point Shootout: Played 10 Times